Why do we need them?
Why do they exist?
Why can't I find a good one?
Not just a good one, the perfect one.
Not the PERFECT one, but the PERFECT one for me.
Soo, I was on twitter and I stumbled upon @OMGwhatateen's post
"Upset that you're single? Don't worry, everyone dies alone. You're just getting a head start. ;)"
It kind of made me feel a little bit better, I guess.. (For a little while) I sometimes ask myself.. "What's wrong with me?" As in, it's like I have a huuuuge magnet for LOSERS (N), and I'm sick and tired of these waste of a good man/guy being in my face all the time. Its like they're sucking the air out and I cant catch a breath. In other words, these LOSER make death seem fun -.-
Recently I was on Facebook, and this random dude popped up...
The convo goes..
HIM: Hey
ME: Hi
HIM: Can I get your number?
Like WTF! -________- Did he actually think I would give a random ugly ass dude like himself my number?
What happened to the good guys? Where are they? Helloo? Have you guys fallen off the face of the earth? Oh yeah, I forgot, the good guys are GAY! KMFT Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay ppl, I secretly want a gay best friend :P (oh shit, secret's out!)
Moving on.. It's like these days, women have to result in hunting down a good man. Hey, I'm just 17, what do I know? lol
But I'm just saying, I want that guy, no not you, the one behind you, lol.
Also, what else do I hate about this generation. The 'Facebook' generation. Internet dating! OhMyGawsh! It doesn't ever work, when will they realize that? Huh? It can NEVER work, people aren't the same as how they express themselves on the internet. I mean, get real! How long can an internet relationship last? Besides, its always weird meeting the person in public, 'cause then you will realize that it a completely different person. HAHA
Oh back to my main topic, guys... I want one for myself :( Oh well until then, a single life a dweet! :D